Still Waiting...

Well yesterday was not as fabulous as it should have been but it wasn't bad either. I stuck to the diet...
  1. SlimFast
  2. banana
  3. bento
  4. applesauce
  5. carrots
  6. SlimFast
...and I did ok at work. I got a bunch of boxes packed and I got some time in with Hubby. Also, seeing as I can't stop myself from thinking of the new apartment and how great it will be (most anything is better than where we are now in the white trash ghetto... the price was right when we moved in but it has long outlived it's usefulness).

So I've been trying to come up with plans to decorate the main rooms. A sort of room by room theme, if you will. The only one so far that has been successfully finished with the Hubs approval has been the living room. So without further ado.... here is my base plan for the living room (items from and

Anyway so that's the plan so far for the living room. Next I'm working on a plan for the kitchen.
I found some adorable things I'd like to incorporate on but nothing the Hubs has approved yet.

So today's goals are:
  1. stick to the diet
  2. make at least 4 sales
  3. get some exercise in
  4. pack more (can only happen if I can get more boxes from work because I ran out of boxes)
  5. finalize a plan for the Kitchen


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