2/21 Recap

Well I didn't have time to write my recap yesterday so here it is!

I worked most of the day so ther wasn't a ton of time to get stuff done in. However, I did have a pretty good day at work. I'm really getting the hang of sales, I think.

I didn't exercise yesterday other than walking around at work. I do feel bad about that. I also didn't have any good time for meditation. Shawn had the evening off so after work I spent most of the time just hanging out with him.

He bought FIFA 2010 and came home with Little Big Planet 2 for me with the new PS Move controller! The new LBP2 is so fun! I'm loving the cake/lace/victorian/steampunk levels!!! My pod shall resemble this.

If you're reading this and want to play you can add me on the PSN. My screen name is CupcakeBomb.

I also thought it would be a good idea to start keeping track of what I eat each day here on the blog. Seems a convenient place. So yesterday's meals consisted of:
  1. SlimFast shake
  2. applesauce
  3. SlimFast shake
  4. banana
  5. half a patty melt sandwich
  6. weight watchers 100cal ice cream
I don't have any pictures today. Sorry!

Alright well now onto the today list for today:
  1. Go walk/jogging
  2. stick very closely to diet
  3. cook some basics to stock in the freezer for bentos
  4. clean my bathroom/bedroom
  5. do some packing
  6. make at least 5 sales at work

That's it! Talk to you guys later!


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